EDM 앤드류라엘 2014Year Mix
게시글 주소: https://orbi.kr/0005433658
모바일은 안되요 ㅎㅎ
얘는 천재임 걍
01. Andrew Rayel - Followed by Darkness ( FYH Intro Mix )
02. Antony Waldhorn - Epilogue (Original Mix)
03. Alexander Popov - Eternal Flame (Original Mix)
04. A & Z vs. Keyplayer - Drosia ( Original Mix )
05. Aurosonic & Neev Kennedy - Now I See (Club Mix)
06. Gareth Emery feat. Bo Bruce - U (W&W Remix)
07. MaRLo - Barracuda (Original Mix)
08. Andrew Rayel - Impulse ( Original Mix )
09. Andrew Rayel feat. Jonathan Mendelsohn - One In A Million ( Club Mix )
10. Hardwell feat. Chris Jones - Young Again (Original Mix)
11. Menno de Jong featuring Noire Lee - Creatures of the Night (Adam Ellis Remix)
12. Hardwell feat. Matthew Koma - Dare You ( Andrew Rayel Remix )
13. DoubleV - The Gate (Original Mix)
14. Armin van Buuren feat. Laura Jansen - Sound Of The Drums (Bobina Remix)
15. Dannic feat. Bright Lights - Dear Life (Original Mix)
16. Faithless - Insomnia ( Andrew Rayel Remix )
17. Arisen Flame - Magnus (Original Mix)
18. Armin van Buuren - Ping Pong ( Original Mix )
19. W&W - Big Foot (Original Mix)
20. Cosmic Gate & Orjan Nilsen - Fair Game (Original Mix)
21. Jorn van Dayhoven - New Horizons (Mark Sixma Remix)
22. Orjan Nilsen - The Late Anthem (Way Too Late Mix)
23. Armin van Buuren & Andrew Rayel feat. Sharon del Adel - In and Out of Intense ( Andrew Rayel Mashup )
24. Ayu - Terminal (Dub Mix)
25. Andrew Rayel - Dark Warrior (Original Mix)
26. Andrew Rayel feat. Christian Burns - Miracles ( Club Mix )
27. Heatbeat - Bloody Moon (Original Mix)
28. Armin van Buuren - Together (In A State Of Trance) (Original Mix)
29. David Gravell - The Last Of Us (Original Mix)
30. Alexander Popov - Quantum (Original Mix)
31. Arisen Flame - Explorer (Original Mix)
32. Gareth Emery ft. Krewella - Lights & Thunder (Ashley Wallbridge vs. Omnia Remix)
33. Ummet Ozcan - SuperWave (Original Mix )
34. Digital X - Raveland (Original Mix)
35. Craig Connelly - Decibels
36. Tritonal & Paris Blohm feat. Sterling Fox - Colors (Original Mix)
37. Arston - Star Warz (Swanky Tunes Edit)
38. Sick Individuals - Lost & Found (Original Mix)
39. Kam Delight & Audiocells - New Europe (Original Mix)
40. Seven Lions, Myon & Shane 54 - Strangers ft. Tove Lo (Paris Blohm Remix)
41. Gaia - Empire Of Hearts (Original Mix)
42. Armin van Buuren - Hystereo (Original Mix)
43. Axwell vs. Ivan Gough & Feenixpawl feat. Georgi Kay - In My Mind ( Andrew Rayel Rebuild )
44. Dimitri Vangelis & Wyman with Steve Angello - Payback (Original Mix)
45. Dart Rayne & Yura Moonlight - Razor (Original Mix)
46. A & Z Vs. Keyplayer - Severity (Original Mix)
47. Antillas - Adagio In G Minor (Antillas & Dankann Rework)
48. Axwell & Ingrosso- We Come We Rave We Love ( Original Mix )
49. Hook N Sling, Karin Park - Tokyo By Night (Axwell Remix)
50. Bogdan Vix & Renee Stahl - Forever (Original Mix)
51. Orjan Nilsen - Dirty Philthy Beautiful ( Original Mix )
52. KeyPlayer - Interlude (Original Mix)
53. Chris Lake feat.Jareth - Helium (Club Mix)
54. Bobina - Refuge (Original Mix)
55. Geert Huinink & Mike van Fabio - The Kingdom (Club Mix)
56. Dash Berlin & Jay Cosmic feat. Collin McLoughlin - Here Tonight (Carita La Nina Remix)
57. Swanky Tunes feat. C. Todd Nielsen - Fire In Our Hearts (Original Mix)
58. Andrew Rayel - 550 Senta (Alexandre Bergheau Remix)
59. David Gravell - Timebomb (Original Mix)
60. Shogun - Erhu (Original Mix)
61. Nhato - Aurora (Original Mix)
62. Andrew Rayel feat Jano vs. Bastille - How Do I Know vs. Pompeii ( Andrew Rayel Mashup )
63. Gareth Emery - Firebird (Extended Mix)
64. Driftmoon & Andy Blueman feat. Dsharp - Leviticus (Original Mix)
65. Andrew Rayel & Dash Berlin feat. Emma Hewitt - Waiting for Rise of The Era ( ASOT 650 Edit )
66. Alesso - Heroes ( Original Mix )
67. Marlo - Poseidon ( Original Mix )
68. Hardwell & Joey Dale feat. Luciana - Arcadia (Original mix)
69. Dan Thompson - Propaganda (Original Mix)
70. Sebastian Ingrosso, Tommy Trash, John Martin - Reload ( Andrew Rayel Rebuild )
71. Sick Individuals & Axwell feat. Taylr Renee - I AM (Original Mix)
72. Andrew Rayel feat. Cindy Alma - Hold On To Your Love ( Original Mix )
73. Alexandre Bergheau - Symptom (Original Mix)
74. Bingo Players - Knock You Out (Hardwell Remix)
75. Armin van Buuren & Andrew Rayel - EIFORYA ( Original Mix )
76. Cosmic Gate ft Eric Lumiere - Falling Back (Mark Sixma Remix)
77. Tonny Nesse & Marius Verwoert - Triumph (Original Mix)
78. Cosmic Gate - Exploration of Space ( Andrew Rayel Rebuild )
79. Andrew Rayel - Latifa ( Extended Mix )
80. One Republic - I Lived (Arty Remix)
81. MaRLo feat. Jano - Haunted (Original Mix)
82. GLOWINTHEDARK & Askery - Bombay ( Original Mix )
83. Antony Waldhorn - Pirate Bay ( Original Mix )
84. Dart Rayne & Yura Moonlight - Battleship (Original Mix)
85. Armin van Buuren - Save My Night (Mark Sixma Remix)
86. Dimension - Gallaecia (Original Mix)
87. Strings & Sebastian Ingrosso & Alesso - Calling Monday ( Andrew Rayel Mashup )
88. Dash Berlin & Rigby - Earth Meets Water (Club Mix)
89. Sick Individuals - Wasting Moonlght ( Andrew Rayel Remix )
90. Arisen Flame - War Of Angels (Original Mix)
91. Arisen Flame - Redemption (Original Mix)
92. Gareth Emery feat. Christina Novelli - Dynamite (Extended Mix)
93. Driftmoon & Geert Huinink feat. Kim - Worlds Which Break Us (Original Mix)
94. Cosmic Gate with Jonathan Mendelsohn - All My Life
95. Jay Cosmic & Husman - Universe (Original Mix)
96. Omnia - Tomorrow People (Original Mix)
97. JETFIRE & Happy Enemies - Brazil ( Original Mix )
98. Mark Sixma - Adagio For Strings (Original Mix)
99. Rank 1 - Airwave (21st Century Mix)
100. Alex M.O.R.P.H. feat. Natalie Gioia - The Reason (Club Mix)
101. Dash Berlin feat. Roxanne Emery - Shelter (Photographer Remix)
102. Coldplay - A Sky Full of Stars (Hardwell Remix)
103. Estiva - Boxmeister (Original Mix)
104. Veracocha - Carte Blanche (David Gravell Remix)
105. John Martin - Love Louder ( Style of Eye Remix )
106. Shogun feat. Adara - Dragon (Original Mix)
107. Ferry Corsten - Festival Crash (Original Mix)
[출처] 앤드류 라엘의 Yearmix 입니다 (I love House Music) |작성자 용화 |
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