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주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. (2022. 7) 오답률 51.9%
It raises much less reactance to tell people what to do than to tell them what not to do. Therefore, advocating action should lead to higher compliance than prohibiting action.
(A) This is a presc/2ion that is rife with danger, failing to provide an implementation rule and raising reactance. Much better is to say, “To help make sure that other people provide answers as useful as yours have been, when people ask you about this study, please tell them that you and another person answered some questions about each other.”
(B) For example, researchers have a choice of how to debrief research participants in an experiment involving some deception or omission of information. Often researchers attempt to commit the participant to silence, saying “Please don’t tell other potential participants that feedback from the other person was false.”
(C) Similarly, I once saw a delightful and unusual example of this principle at work in an art gallery. A fragile acrylic sculpture had a sign at the base saying, “Please touch with your eyes.” The command was clear, yet created much less reactance in me than “Don’t touch!” would have.
* reactance: 저항 ** rife: 가득한 *** debrief: 비밀[기밀] 준수 의무를 지우다[부여하다]
① (A) - (C) - (B) ② (B) - (A) - (C) ③ (B) - (C) - (A) ④ (C) - (A) - (B) ⑤ (C) - (B) - (A)
풀어보았나요? 함께 풀이해봅시다!
1) 주어진 문장에서 핵심표현 찾기 : 명사, 동사 혹은 문장 내용을 이미지로 요약해서 머릿속에 정리하며 읽기
It raises much less reactance to tell people what to do than to tell them what not to do. Therefore, advocating action should lead to higher compliance than prohibiting action.
위처럼 핵심표현을 체크한 다음에는 아래와 같은 과정으로 <문장 내용을 머릿속에 정리>합니다.
1) what to do(A) what not to do(B) => 두 개념을 나눠서 설명하겠네(문맥 추측)
2) advocating action(A) prohibiting action.(B) => Therefore로 앞 맥락이 이어지고 앞에 구분한 두 개념과 연결짓기
2) 각 단락의 첫 문장을 읽으며 주어진 문장과의 연결성 찾기
(A) This is a presc/2ion that is rife with danger, failing to provide an implementation rule and raising reactance.
=> This가 있으니 직전에 언급된 내용이 나올텐데 쭉 읽어보니 <반항을 불러일으키는 것>과 관련한 내용인데
주어진 문장과 뭐 관련있는게 있나요? 띠용? 싶으면 넘어갑니다.
Much better is to say, “To help make sure that other people provide answers as useful as yours have been, when people ask you about this study, please tell them that you and another person answered some questions about each other.”
(B) For example, researchers have a choice of how to debrief research participants in an experiment involving some deception or omission of information.
Often researchers attempt to commit the participant to silence, saying “Please don’t tell other potential participants that feedback from the other person was false.”
=> “Please don’t tell other potential participants(다른 참가들에게 말하지마세요._부정) 주어진 문장의 what not to do의 맥락과 연결됩니다. B인거 같은데 그래도 C까지 읽어야합니다.
(C) Similarly, I once saw a delightful and unusual example of this principle at work in an art gallery. A fragile acrylic sculpture had a sign at the base saying, “Please touch with your eyes.” The command was clear, yet created much less reactance in me than “Don’t touch!” would have.
=>Similarly, 이후로 “Please touch with your eyes.(눈으로만 만지세요_긍정) 이런 내용이 전개되는 것으로 보아 직전 단락에서도
긍정적인 내용이 나와야겠죠? 그래서 (B)가 맨 앞인겁니다.
B,C 모두 주어진 문장과 관련한 내용이 나오긴 했지만 (C)는 Similarly,가 있기 때문에 직전 단락에 긍정적인 내용이 있어야 논리적 이치에 맞습니다. 하지만 주어진 문장에는 없으니 (B)가 첫 단락이죠!
3) 단락의 뒷 부분을 꼼꼼하게 분석하기
(A) This is a presc/2ion that is rife with danger, failing to provide an implementation rule and raising reactance. Much better is to say, “To help make sure that other people provide answers as useful as yours have been, when people ask you about this study, please tell them that you and another person answered some questions about each other.”
=> (A)의 뒷부분 내용에 긍정적인 내용이 언급되어 있습니다.
아까 (C) 앞에 긍정적인 내용이 나와야한다고 했으니 (A)-(C)인걸 알 수 있네요. (C)까지 자세히 안읽어도 B-A-C 정답을 바로 알 수 있습니다.
그래도 확실하게 B-A인지 보기위해 B를 다시 보겠습니다.
(B) For example, researchers have a choice of how to debrief research participants in an experiment involving some deception or omission of information.
Often researchers attempt to commit the participant to silence, saying “Please don’t tell other potential participants that feedback from the other person was false.”
=> “Please don’t tell other potential participants(다른 참가들에게 말하지마세요._부정) 내용은 A의 This~raising reactance(반항을 불러일으키는 것)으로 연결됩니다.
<문장 순서 풀이 핵심 3줄 요약>
1) 주어진 문장에서 핵심표현 찾기 : 명사, 동사 혹은 문장 내용을 이미지로 요약해서 머릿속에 정리하며 읽기
2) 각 단락의 첫 문장을 읽으며 주어진 문장과의 연결성 찾기
3) 단락의 뒷 부분을 꼼꼼하게 분석하기
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