TES, 힛더네일 간략한 적중 결과
게시글 주소: https://i9.orbi.kr/0003817626
제가 아직 학교라, 9월 모의평가를 맞는 마음가짐 등 긴 글은 내일 올리도록 할게요.
지금까지 제가 발간한 교재 중, 확인한 적중 결과만 간단히 올리겠습니다!
핫스팟에 연명해서 글을 쓰고 있는지라(^^;), 우선 교재의 문제들만 올리도록 하겠습니다!
네 문제 중 세 문제를 유형까지 적중시켰습니다!
8. So often, we get caught up in the minutiae of our jobs ─ tedious annoyances and struggles that may be temporary roadblocks but feel more like concrete mountains. While there’s plenty of research that shows that people who work with the muscles above their neck create all kinds of stresses for themselves, it’s the people who focus on the why of their jobs (as opposed to the what and the how) who can manage the day-to-day problems more easily. That is, if you can define the purpose of your career or feel passionate about the mission of your company, you can much more easily handle the occasional server maintenance that disrupts your in-box. The flip side is that if you’re working in any area (or company) that , all the little stuff snowballs into a big ball of daily disasters. [N제 p.71 141번]
① overly exploits its employees
② doesn’t align with your own values
③ goes against common sense work ethics
④ fails to appreciate the quality of your work
makes no attempt to clear petty roadblocks
(유형과 빈칸이 들어간 문장까지 똑같았는데, 위치가 아쉽게도 살짝 달랐네요 ㅠㅠ)
14. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?
Most of the words we use and the meanings we think about are a combination of simpler ideas. |
(A) The combination of the concepts chair and waiting for bus allows you to create the new complex concept chair used while waiting for bus. But the basic concept of chair is built out of the simpler ideas that we take for granted: object, furniture, sitting.
(B) Some of these objects support human activity, in this case, sitting. If you learned about a culture in which a certain type of chair was used only for the purpose of sitting while waiting for a bus, you might think this is odd but would have no difficulty understanding it.
(C) Consider a chair. Before you can have an idea of a chair, you need to understand that there exist in the world certain functional objects. [N제 p.31 57번]
① (A)-(B)-(C)
② (A)-(C)-(B)
③ (B)-(A)-(C)
④ (C)-(A)-(B)
⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)
(역시 유형에서 적중했습니다! 개인적으로 굉장히 inspirational한 결과입니다)
13. 다음 글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 적절한 것을 고르시오.
Traditionally we have assessed mathematics ability based on the number of correct answers on a page full of computational problems. Learning and memorizing facts, therefore, was the key component to the mathematics instructional program. Recently, (A) , many teachers have started placing a greater emphasis on mathematical understanding, problem solving, hands-on experiences, and collaborative work. This change in the instructional program can be attributed to well-informed teachers and the work of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Now teachers should realize that their students will be using mathematics in a world where calculators, computers, and other forms of technology are readily available. (B) , the application of mathematics, rather than mere fact acquisition, is what will be expected of them in the workplace and in life, and consequently mathematics instruction should mirror this real life application. [N제 p.81 162번]
(A) (B)
① for example …… Therefore
② for example …… In addition
③ however …… Therefore
④ however …… In fact
⑤ nonetheless …… In addition
(유형이 같았고, (A)의 위치가 같았습니다!)
3문제 중 1문제에서 지문이 적중했습니다.
17. 다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A)와 (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
When people expect to see someone again, they are more likely to find that person attractive regardless of the individual’s behavior, than if they do not have expectations of future interaction. The expectation of future interaction motivates people to look for positive qualities in someone so that they will look forward to future interactions rather than dread them, and increases the chances that people find the individual attractive. Conversely, when people interact with someone whom they do not foresee meeting again, they have little reason to search for positive qualities. In fact, doing so may be depressing, given that they may not have the opportunity to get to know the person better in future interactions. Indeed, people are sometimes motivated to find negative qualities in individuals whom they do not expect to see again.
The (A) of meeting someone affects people’s (B) of his/her personal qualities. |
(A) (B) (A) (B)
① anticipation acceptance ② burden acceptance
③ anticipation evaluation ④ burden familiarity
⑤ duration understanding
(유형이 달랐으나 요약문의 내용이 9평의 정답과 거의 같은 내용이었습니다)
특히 N제에서 유형까지 같은 문제가 3개 있었다는 것이 저로써도 기쁩니다.
앞으로도 좋은 컨텐츠로 찾아뵙도록 노력하겠습니다^^
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넘 좋당
부산은 막 추천이 쏟아졌는데 대전은 성심당 성심당 성심당 일거 같아 뭔가 좀 두렵군요 ㅋㅋㅋ
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첫 문제는 제가 만든것과 똑같네요... ㅋㅋ 물론 선지는 다르지만 저와 같은 부분을 뚫으셨네요... 제가 봐도 그 부분이 더 문제로서의 가치가 높아 보였는데, 평가원은 좀 생각이 달랐네요 ㅋ ^^ 나머지도 많이 적중했네요... 수능에서 이 정도의 결과가 나오면 좋겠습니다. 화이팅 하세요!
어쩐지 체감이 잘 된다 싶었는데... 실전모의4회 다풀고쳐서그렇군요ㅋㅋ 힛더네일도 봤습니다 다른교재도 기대하겠습니다 감사합니다~
재연 님, 현역때도 영어를 제일 잘하셨나요?
저도 저자님처럼 그정도 클래스에 올라서 모의고사 제작같은것 하고싶은데 아직 그정도 수준은 안되네요 ㅎㅎ
영어잘하는 비법이라도 있나요? 너무 부럽습니다.
(그리고 신문에서 저자 님하고 비슷한 분 봤는데 지금 다시 보니까 그분 맞네요 ㅎㅎㅎ)
으아 신문은.. 잊어주세요ㅋㅋ..ㅠ 설정샷에 가장 이상한 사진만 골라서 넣엇더라고요.....
아무래도 현역 때도 영어가 가장 자신 있는 과목이었죠.. 원샷님도 우선은 수능 공부에(과목간 밸러스를 맞추는 데) 집중하시고, 입시가 끝나면 열심히 공부해서 한 번 도전해 보세요!!ㅋ 생각보다 힘든 점도 많고, 또 그 과정에서 배우는 것도 많더라고요. 화이팅입니다!
감사합니다 말씀처럼 우선은 수능에 집중할게요. 나중에 저도 멋진 제작자가 되어서 수험생들에게 도움주는 사람이 됬으면 합니다 ㅎㅎㅎ
ㅎㅎ 꼭 그러실 수 있을거에요. 우선은 당면 목표인 입시에서 대박나시길! 화이팅입니다.